
More Paris…

It’s raining here today…I welcome the nice cool weather after it’s been so hot!  I know heat is just around the corner again and the kids will be jumping in the pool as soon as the sun is shining! 

It’s funny how different weather can transport me to old memories.  I’ve been trying to find some extra time to work on my pictures from France (years ago) and this weather actually brings back memories of being over there.  I remember the sudden summer rain-storm the day we visited The Louvre.  Walking down the steps and spending the day amongst the worlds art masterpieces.  These memories I will treasure always…I stood in front of the Mona Lisa and she smiled at me!

Today it is raining…

I’m teaching my “Birthday Book” class today at PSB.  While I’m up there I will be designing a “Father’s Day” mini-banner and a “love my dog” layout for next month.  I’ll share photos when they are completed (or when they are posted on the PSB website).

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday – if you’re a local hopefully it will stop raining long enough for you to visit the Silver Dollar Fair this weekend! 

Drawing for the TC Mini Album is tomorrow.  For details click HERE.

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