
Idaho…and back again

It was a working  vacation…we drove to Idaho so that my rockstar husband, Dan could help my Dad get his point of sale computer system up and running at his new store “Wolfe Lighting”. 

Idaho was lush and green.  In a nutshell, B.E.A-utiful!

I took this photo while out for a drive…


I have to admit, even though I’m a bit on the tired side (could be the 14 hour drive there and then 14 hours home again) it was well worth the trip; So nice to get out of the wildfire smoke and the extreme 113 degree heat of California:

Yep, it was bad in California…

It was SO nice to be in Idaho for my baby sister’s 21st Birthday!


OK family…don’t get too excited…she’s just holding a bottle of Martinelli’s…silly girl!

Here’s a picture of my sister Emilee with my little stinkers, Izabelle and Parker:

And here’s one of her and I together…the 11 year age gap is closing quickly (I wish)…

We drove to Idaho Falls so Em could do a little birthday shopping…we stopped at a diner called “Scotty’s” for lunch.   I took some cute videos of my Mom rockin’ out with the kids…hopefully I can figure out how to post the video later…for now, I’ll just show you a picture of my Mom with the kids:

The kids had a blast getting “outdoors” in a smoke-free environment.  And I had fun catching up with family.   I was able to visit a quick minute with my grandparents too…I’ll post more later…

I missed all my bloggie friends & am glad to be back…on my way to catch up on all I’ve missed on YOUR blogs!



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