
More Scribble Scrabble

It’s been awhile…about a week, actually.

I promised that I would share the other two layouts I created with Scribble Scrabble.  About that…seems I forgot to photograph the layouts before I put them in their shadowboxes.

My husband is so efficient that he had hung the shadowboxes (what a great guy)  in the bathroom before I could take the layouts out of the frames again to get some photos.  Go figure.

So, I took photos of the layouts inside the shadowboxes that are currently hanging on the wall.  Sorry about the bad lighting.

These layouts are nothing special…except for the fact that I used Linda’s crochet leaves (I’m taking her Crochet Flower class today at Paradise Scrapbook Boutique – YAY!).

Take a gander at the Scribble Scrabble layouts if you like:

I forgot to mention above…the layout on the bottom is not just Scribble Scrabble.  I used the new Crate Paper too (the orange scalloped edges and the tree & acorns).

I do have a couple more projects to share.  AND I will be giving a project away soon!

I hope that you have a fantastic Mother’s Day Weekend!

Love, Christie

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