Europe: Day One
Finally! I’ve starting my Europe album from last July.
I’ve been wanting to start for awhile now but the project seemed overwhelming. With Mom passing away a week after we arrived home, sorting through hundreds of photos of her seemed hard. Along with the fact that, well, (as previously mentioned) there are hundreds of photos.
Scrapbooking the trip has proved to be therapeutic so far, and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself. Which is always a good thing when it comes to scrapbooking, right?
So, the first page of the first day of our adventure is now officially scrapbooked. I started with the Cover Page…or is it called the Title Page? Whatever it’s called, here it is:
Our first Day was spent in Berkshire England. We were pretty exhausted from our flight(s), but we enjoyed ourselves while exploring together.
The album that I am creating is going to be a mix of full 12×12 layouts and Project Life (sleeve) pages.
I didn’t realize how hard to would be for me to go from a 12×12 page to a sleeve page. I really, really like embellishments and even though it’s easy to slip photos in a sleeve, I simply must add embellishments.
Here’s some closer photos of the little embellishments:
I know this is a shameless plug, but I can’t tell you enough how much I LOVE my new Teresa Collins XYRON Stapler. I’m having so much fun stapling away, I just can’t help myself.
See. I use it. Like, a lot.
Thanks for taking a gander at my little creations. I’m so glad you stopped by.
XOXO, Christie
If you’re into that sort of thing, I’ve started a new facebook page where I will be posting not only my blog creations/links but a few home holiday displays and party photos. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/prettypaperbook