
Lost with Bella and Edward…

My poor children, husband and dog…they have been so neglected the past couple of days. Heck, even the laundry is starting to really pile up! I can’t help it. Can’t. Help. It.

I was reading several of my SITS sista’s blogs and so many recommended this book:

I had a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble and I really needed a good Summer read. Now that I have no more Harry Potter to look forward to, I had to move on. When I was talking to a very helpful sales associate while at Barnes and Noble, she led me to a display of the Twilight Series. I bought all three books…couldn’t help it. I’m so glad I did…when I opened the first book, “Twilight” at 9:00pm on Sunday Night, I did not put it down until 4:30 am. Wow! I haven’t stayed up that late in ages! I. Could. Not. Put. It . Down.

So, after finishing the first book and getting some “proper” rest on Monday Night I started the next book in the series on Tuesday Night:

OK, this book was just as good as the first one. Again, I. Could. Not. Put. It. Down. Less than halfway through and Stephenie Meyer’s writing had already moved me to tears. I have to admit, as tears continued to roll down my cheeks when I close the cover (to get some shut eye – I learned my lesson Sunday night) I thought to myself…”Wow, this is a pretty darn AWESOME book if it can move me this way”

We had some guests over this evening…I have to admit, I’ve never actually wanted to escape to my room so badly while we had visitors before. The book was calling to me. Yes. I finished it. Now I’m on to the third book:

Thank goodness her fourth book doesn’t come out until August. I might actually get some work done around the house! Maybe I’ll bake some cookies with my children.

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