Dear DHL,
Thank you for finding my package and shipping it safely to Graphic 45. However I will never, ever, ever ship anything through your company again. I couldn’t even if I wanted to because you no longer ship to or from the County that I live in.
Nice doing business with you. Thanks for your help.
I’m glad you found my priceless package full of handmade projects.
To Everyone Else:
YAY! DSL found the package they lost! They told me that the shipping label fell off. Seriously.
I must say, I actually said prayers that they would find it. My. Prayers. Were. Answered!
Thank you all for your notes of concern. I can take a deep breath and sigh in relief! My handmade projects will make it to Graphic 45 after all.
Now, let’s just hope they like the projects!
Sincerely, Christie