
A Quick Get-Away…

Summer is almost over…we simply had  to get away somewhere at least semi-special with the kids.  My husband and I gave them the choice, they could go to Marine World (they’ve been a few times and love it there) or San Francisco to visit the Exploratorium then go to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner.  The kids chose San Francisco, I was more than pleased! 

We had a blast at the Exploratorium.  It’s a really fun Museum!  You get to touch EVERYTHING.  So cool.

I took about 200 photos…here are some of the highlights. 

The Giant Sized Pin Art Square to play wth.  Izabelle tried to do her whole face but it didn’t quite work…instead she was able to get a hand in for the photo… 

Here’s one of Parker’s hand in the Pin Art:

A home-made tornado?

Giant Bubbles:

Fun with Gravity…(My husband looks pretty happy).

It was a day full of smiles.

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